Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Doing it

Took me about 2 and a half hours but I did it.

The early voting began at 10 am. I lined up about 9:20 and finally got to vote a bit before noon at my polling place in West Boca, where Jews voted for Pat Buchanan in 2000.

Chatted with a couple of nice retirees while on line. Discovered that one of the reasons for the delay was that each early polling place is open to voters from all over the county, so ballots for each person's specific district have to be printed on the spot. Plus the hours were limited by the state legislature. The vote was strictly along party lines, which tells you plenty about actual voter suppression as opposed to the phony stuff you hear about on the cable news channels.

Anyway, glad I did it. Hope you do, too!

UPDATE: The state extended early voting hours, which is good! Thanks to Gov. Crist! (Say, is the wedding still on, Charlie?)

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